When ordering a new commercial garage door, your considerations are often different from what they would be for a residential door. Commercial garage doors typically enjoy frequent use, and they need to be able to function more efficiently under strenuous conditions.

That’s why there are high-performance doors. The average garage door weighs about 100 pounds or more. In a commercial setting, you can expect that garage door to open and close 50 times or more per day, as opposed to the 3-4 times a day that a residential door will experience. The frequent wear and weight mean that a commercial door needs to be longer-lasting, hardier, and stronger.

Most commercial garage door options have over twice the expected lifetime of the average residential door. Our high-performance options survive even longer. Built for durability, speed, and efficiency, these doors might seem pricey at first, but they save you a significant amount of money in the long run.

High Performance garage doors are designed to answer your commercial needs, with designs to suit warehouses, showrooms, storefronts, and high-traffic entryways. Most of our designs for commercial doors comes from Northwest Doors, known for having the one of the widest selections of high-quality commercial garage doors in the country. Browse here to check out their options.

Opting for high performance garage doors for your commercial location will pay off in many ways, most notably safety and repair costs. However, many people forget to factor in what it will save you in security. A malfunctioning garage door is one of the biggest security risks to a commercial business, especially when that door guards expensive assets. By using only the finest in mechanical operations and remote control services, you can rest easy knowing that your business is protected by a garage door that’s built to last.

Parts for our high-performance doors often come from SSCorp, famous for their innovative, long-lasting springs with unparalleled durability. Springs are one of the most important parts of a garage door system, and they’re under the most strain in a high-traffic situation. Another important part that experiences a lot of wear in high traffic is the cable, which lifts the door from either side. Cables from Martin Garage Door are extra thick, meaning that your door lasts longer and works better. From beginning to end, you can expect the best parts and highest level of professional installation from A+ Garage Doors.