Southern Utah offers incredible weather and sunny summers with beautiful landscapes. How do the seasons of St. George affect the features of your garage door? If you’re looking for a replacement garage door or a garage door for your new home, should consider the temperature, weather, and extraordinary circumstances that you could experience in Southern Utah. 

Parowan Utah Garage Door Services

Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Snow

While St. George is usually sunny and warmer than other parts of Utah, Mother Nature can also throw in some snow storms that rock the city. It’s important to be thoughtful about the weather your new garage door may endure. Extreme heat in the summers and random bouts of moisture in the winter can cause your garage door harm. 

Regardless of material, your garage door is built to withstand the elements, but the garage door type you pick will require more or less upkeep over the years. A wood garage door will dry out more quickly in the St. George climate and you’ll need to maintain it more often. 

Keep the Weather Out

Your garage door plays an important role in protecting the items you store. You can improve the inside of your garage with the type of garage door you pick. One option is an insulated garage door which will help keep the temperature down in the summer and help keep the heat out. You’ll be grateful for a cooler garage when you get into your car in the middle of summer. Glass garage doors allow more natural sunlight, but can also heat up the garage more than a solid door. If the front of your garage door gets a lot of suns, it may be a good decision to skip the glass panes to help keep the temperatures down. 

Maintenance is Key

As you pick your new garage door and the features that are important to you, remember that the most important part of your new garage door is the upkeep that will follow. Regardless of the harsh weather it may face, your garage door is built to last when you take care of it. Take the time to understand what maintenance is important to perform and when. This will lengthen the lifespan of your garage door and make it more viable for the St. George weather. 

If you’re ready for a new garage door in Southern Utah, now is a great time to get one installed. Reach out to one of our professional staff to walk through the process with you. Our team is here to make sure your new garage door is installed properly the first time.

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